Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Salted Fish Fried Rice

Did I ever tell you that I'm a friend rice fiend? I love rice, all kinds of rice. This salted-fish fried rice is one of my absolute favorites whenever we go out to a Chinese restaurant.

- garlic
- rice
- egg
- salted fish (Salted Threadfin)
- sliced chicken
- spring onions

1. cut / shred the Salted Threadfin into little pieces - you could probably use other types of salted fish but this is the real deal. This fish comes in dried form but we just this because you're not supposed to use a lot anyway.

My hands and fingers hurt after making himay this fish because the flesh was so hard! I use 2 slices for the 2 serving fried rice that I usually make.

2. Saute the garlic and sliced chicken in oil (I use a little bit of the oil from the Salted Threadfin). When the chicken is cooked, add the shredded fish and saute a bit more.

3. Add the rice and egg.

4. Garnish with egg slices and spring onions.


kayenne said...

easy chopping of the fish: i usually prepare the wok to use and then fry the fish pieces(hacked with a cleaver into manageable pieces) with enough oil for the fried rice until almost crispy. remove to a plate/strainer and cool a little. that'll be easy to chop then. into the hot oil, i then start cooking the garlic and chicken pieces... etc... i usually add shredded ice berg lettuce or cabbage.

kayenne said...

try leeks sliced into thin rounds instead of spring onions. the white parts fried after the chicken and allowed to brown lightly. the light green parts sprinkled in during the last few minutes of cooking.

me said...

Thanks for the fish-chopping tip, I'll try that next time.

... and the lack of veggies was intentional, we both do not like lettuce or cabbage with our rice.

I always thought that spring onions and leeks are the same, except for their sizes ? Is there a difference in taste ? Leeks are HUGE! Can I interchange the two ? like use leeks for those dishes where I usually add spring onions ?