Saturday, March 5, 2011

Pork and Scallop Congee

Ang saya. This was a spur of the moment dish. No recipe, no plans.

Mommy asked me to prepare congee for hubby (still having wisdom tooth issues). I thought about preparing arroz-caldo but the chicken I meant to use for arroz-caldo had to be defrosted before I could pry the pieces apart (they had frozen together).

I had a piece of pork that seemed the right portion so I threw that in a pot and started boiling. I let it boil, added the rice and remembered the dried scallops in the ref so I let them rehydrate in some water and threw that in the pot as well. Later, I remembered some kasubha (saffron ?) that I still had in my spice cabinet so I threw some in as well.... I put in some chicken powder and a dash of patis for a bit of flavor and this turned out great.

I served it topped with crunchy fried onions.

pork shoulder
dried scallops
chicken powder
fried onions and fried garlic (toppings)


Hubby has been having wisdom teeth issues since last weekend and it has worsened to the point that now, he can only eat [slurp] soft foods.

We're going to have a lot of soft noodles and congee dishes in the next few days. This also means that Swe-cha can get a taste of more home-cooked meals this week, I hope that he gains his appetite back soon (he is currently not feeling well).

This dish is an experiment, I really have no idea how Almondigas is supposed to taste like or what's supposed to be in it. I just needed to prepare something quick and did not have time to check our recipes over the internet or even prepare the ingredients.

1 lb ground pork
minced spring onions
salt & pepper

1 can chicken broth (lite, sodium free)
3 cloves minced garlic
1 onion, minced
patis (fish sauce)

1. Prepared the meatballs by mixing pork, spring onions, salt, pepper and sugar. Formed the mixture into balls and lightly browned them in oil (I remember seeing my friend, Kay, do this before .. or maybe not, it was so long ago!).

2. Saute garlic and onion in a saucepan and add the broth and water when cooked. Let this boil and then add the browned meatballs. When the meatballs are fully cooked, add miswa.

It gets tricky when adding the miswa as I had no idea how much to put in. Tantya lang.